Sunday, March 22, 2009

myyy weekend

How is it Sunday night already? I don't know where the time goes! My weekend was really uneventful but it still managed to fly by. I figured I haven't really written a ton lately so I'll bore you with a play by play of my weekend :)

I had the place to myself the entire weekend because Steeter was going on a trip to Ireland. She got up to leave for Dublin at 5:30am on Friday morning...aka Hannah woke up at 5:30 am too. I'm the lightest sleeper ever. As soon as her feet hit the floor to get out of bed I was awake! It's a curse a tell you. Once she was out the door I had a pretty hard time falling back asleep. However, in true young adult fashion...I managed. I got up for good at about 11am, grabbed some study materials, and headed up to the roof top pool. It was kind of nice out, a little windy, and I figured I should at least sit out and enjoy the weather for a bit. I did that for about two hours, got some good studying in, and went back inside to morph into a couch potato. I don't really have a couch here, so I guess you could say a bed potato. I think you get the point though. I parked it in my bed and just relaxed for the rest of the day. My wooonndderrful boyfriend sent me a package a few days ago with some pretty sweet stuff in it, including a DVD (weeeuuu!) and some gummy bears. I decided to plow off the entire bag within the day and watch the movie too. I also watched some of the NCAA tournament basketball games online. Thank God for I don't know what I'd do without it. My bracket was completely annihilated thanks to the Mid-West Region. Good news though, UNC is still in itttt. WEUU!! I ended my day with a horrible sinus headache. These headaches are kind of messing with my head, no pun intended. It's just getting really old having had these things everyday for the past two weeks. Friday nights was so bad I couldn't even open my left eye or stand up without pain shooting throughout my face. I tried a warm washcloth on my face and ibuprofen...NOTHING! Thankfully, that was the only one of the weekend.

What did I do on Saturday? Pretty much a repeat of Friday, minus the roof and headache. I got some more studying in and relaxed and watched some games/movies. It felt so nice to do absolutley nothing this weekend, especially after the crazy week I just had. Not to mention the crazy week I am ABOUT to have. I have a Spanish test Monday, Psych test Tuesday, and a Macro test Wedesnday. SHOOT ME NOW! I do have my trip to Lisbon, Portugal this weekend and I'm pretty excited about that.

Sorry for the horribly boring entry. I probably won't have much time to write this week because of all of my tests. I will try to though. If not, I promise I'll have lots of good stories when I return from Lisbon on Saturday. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. HAPPY SPRING TOO! I love and miss you all! <3

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