What else has happened this week? Hmmmm. A bunch of my friends in the building decided to have a little dinner party in a downstairs lobby in our building. We sent out invitations to everyone that said, "BYOP"...bring your own plate. A couple people made food, I made dessert, others brought drinks. I figured dessert was the dish I could do the least amount of damage with. No one has ever died from some bad whipped cream. Raw chicken on the otherhand? I'll leave that up to someone else. Anyway, I went with "Dirt Cups". All the "cool kids" would bring them to their classroom birthday parties in elementary school. Dirt cups usually consists of a plastic cup filled with whipped cream, crushed oreos, chocolate pudding, and gummy worms. I went on an hour long shopping hunt for these products. I guess Spain does not believe in gummy worms. All I could find were...no joke...gummy FINGERS. Seriously?! I was not about to have fingers sticking out of my dirt cups. I decided to substitute the gummy fingers with little candy berries. After I got everything I headed back to the room to attempt to assemble the dirt cups. Now, dirt cups typically look...dirty. However, I wanted mine to look pretty because I'm ridiculous like that. After about 45 minutes of assembling ten dirt cups, the kitchen looked like a tornado had hit it, I looked like I had oreo dandruff, but I had a pretty snazzy looking finished product. Anyway, the dinner was alot of fun. The food was great! And best of all...my dessert killed no one.

It's really starting to get warm here in Barcelona (HALLELUJAH!). It's like PERFECT spring weather; temperatures are in the mid to high 60's everyday. One big difference here...the sun rays are STRONG! I made the nearly fatal mistake of laying out by our roof pool the other day. It was only 63 degrees and I still managed to back into the building a few hours looking like a freckle-faced LOBSTER. Fear not! My sunburn was gone the next day. I know, I know, I knowwww...SUN TAN LOTION. With my face looking like I was constantly blushing, I decided to go shopping for some spring/summer clothes. I ended up getting a few shirts and a dress. I WANTED to get two dresses but I resisted.
I'm also officially done booking trips! Everything is COMPLETE! I have Lisbon, Portugal next weekend. Ibiza the second to last weekend, and GREECE FOR SPRING BREAK! Weeeeuuuu! Me and two other girls, Jess and Sara are going to fly to Athens and tour around there for 2 days. Then we are going to hop aboard a ferry and head to Santorini. We plan on staying in Santorini for 5 days. I hear it's amazing there. I don't think there is going to be much to do, but I am definitely looking forward to staying in a beautiful place and just relaxing. I'm still gonna scour the internet for things to do there. We'll figure something out! I'm incredibly excited to go there and I'm sure I'll be taking a million pictures to show everyone.
One of the biggest downsides of being abroad right now? I'M FREAKING MISSING MARCH MADNESS!!!!!!!! Ughhhhh. I'm going to try my hardest to find something online but that's not looking very probable. Most US sites with video don't work here in Spain. I still completed my bracket though! As I have put for the past three years (and I have been let down every year), I have UNC winning it all. I sadly had to have them knock SU out in the Elite 8. I have a little contest going on with Jamie. Whoever has the winning bracket wins a prize...I still haven't decided what I want. I'm not too worried though. Even if I lose...I still actually "win", it's common knowledge! SO yesss, EVERYONE ROOT FOR UNC. As it stands, I'm not starting off very well...2 first round losses already!
Carly and a bunch of my friends going to Dublin this weekend, I decided to save some money and sit out on this one. Probably a good idea since I have crazy amounts of work I need to get started! I'll definitely sit outside a bit because it's supposed to be gorgeous this weekend. I figure I can do some studying outside because I have a HUGE spanish test on Monday. I thinkkk I'm gonna get cracking on that study guide now. I love and miss you all! LOTS! <3
Justin would love you right now for picking UNC to win :) I think they definitely will this year, but i obviously had to pick SU just because it'll never happen :)