Anyway! It's my spring break, thank God! I have about a week and a half without classes. Let me tell you, going this long with no break from school has been KILLER! This little vacation was much needed. I don't leave for Greece until Tuesdsay, so I've had some time to kill. I was hoping to knock out two of my papers but my motivation levels are at an all-time low. I haven't been completely lazy though. I guess you could say I did some exploring. I think I've been in Barcelona for so long that I've stopped being "in awe" of it. So the past few days I've taken some time to go and sight see in Barcelona. I find it absolutely fascinating that I can live here for almost 4 months and still go visit things that I haven't come across yet.
My friend Jess had a bunch of her friends here visiting for their spring break. She was going to take them to this place called Font Magic. It is basically this MASSIVE fountain infront of a castle in Barcelona. Everynight when it gets dark out the fountain puts on this show. Now I assume your thinking, "Wow, a fountain spraying". But I promise you, it is INTENSE. The water shoots up to different heights and in different patterns. Inside the fountain are different lights that make the water and spray look colorful. To top it all off, the entire show is done to blasting music. We caught the last showing of the night and I absolutely loved it. Not to mention, I got some pretty sweet pics too.
Carly's family is visiting her for the week and they invited me to come out with them today. We went up to Parc Guell, which surprisingly, I have not seen yet. Parc Guell is probably one of Barcelona's biggest tourist attractions. It is basically a little city that Gaudi designed and lived in. I remember seeing it in Vicky Cristina Barcelona & America's Next Top Model and thinking it was absolutely gorgeous. Little did I know, I'd be in it someday. I'm a huge fan of mosaics and Parc Guell is basically one giant mosaic. I was in heaven! Everything in Parc Guell is so unique. It is almost like your in a fairy-tale; kind of like Alice and Wonderland. It was definitely the most beautiful place that I have visited while in Europe. I took tons of pictures but they really don't do it any justice. I wish you all could have seen it.
I'll post some pictures from my Font Magic & Parc Guell excursions below. I leave for Greece on Tuesday and I won't be back until the 14th. I'll try to update the blog as soon as I can when I get back. Hopefully some spring weat
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