So I went to the flamenco show last night and...I LOVED IT! I don't know what the haters were watching because what I saw was absolutely amazing. The show lasted about an hour and featured four dancers. They started the show as one group, eventually had their own solos, and finished the show together again. I don't really know how to describe Flamenco besides saying that there is a lot of stomping of the feet. These people are like tap-dancers on speed; it's intense. Their feet move so fast, to such crazy rhythms, that they almost disappear. Ok, slight exaggeration, but you get what I'm trying to say. It was a simple show in nature. They had spanish singers, who really just wailed the entire time (but it really did sound fantastic), sitting at the back of the stage, two guitar players, and some guy who played a drum. There was simple lighting and no scenery. They basically just let the dancers do their thing and it was amazing. The ferocity of their foot tapping was insane and the passion on their faces showed that they really enjoyed what they were doing. I have some videos so I will definitely show them to everyone when I'm home...or when I figure out how to get them on here. Whichever comes first! Anyway, I would definitely recommend going to a flamenco show if you ever get the chance!
I slept in was fantastic. I made myself some fried eggs. I tried to flip them but that failed miserably (they still tasted good). After that I basically sat and did work all day. I got part one of my Psychology project done and finished my final draft of my paper for the competition. Depending on the motivation levels I might try to do some more work tomorrow.
Sorry there is not much to report again today. Tomorrow should be pretty low-key as well. BUT SUNDAY! yessss SUNDAY! I have my first European soccer game and I am pumped x's 84684. There should be some good stories after that one. Anyway, I think I'm staying in again tonight; not really in the mood to go out. I hope everyone had a great day! I love and miss you all!

flamenco was great. ur pictures are alot greater than mine.